
Westchester Case
Agency still not responding to the fact that Westchester doesn't only have the obligations of any recipient of federal housing funding, but has unique court-ordered obligations that it has continued to violate for more than three years. More
Westchester Case
Westchester's pattern of violating all material elements of the Consent Decree was apparent from the outset. By 2011, it had also become painfully clear that the U.S. Attorney, HUD, and the Monitor were deaf to pleas to hold Westchester to account. So ADC made motions to enforce and to intervene. Read the court papers. More
Westchester Case
Yes it does, but three years after the entry of the Consent Decree no such Implementation Plan exists. More
Westchester Case
Nearly four years after the entry of the Consent Decree, the U.S. Attorney, HUD, and the Monitor need to stop pretending that progress has been made and concentrate on holding Westchester accountable for all of its Consent Decree violations. More
Westchester Case
Facts shout "exclusion" but Monitor glosses over them, mangles disparate impact analysis. More
Westchester Case
The "summary charts of municipal zoning data" further demonstrate how and where the Monitor underplayed the existence of exclusionary zoning. Contrary to his letter, far more seven Westchester municipalities are characterized by that problem. More
Westchester Case
ADC's April 2014 report documents Westchester County's ongoing violations of the housing desegregation consent decree that was entered into in August 2009 as a result of the False Claims Act case that ADC brought against the County. It also documents the failure of the Government and the Monitor to hold Westchester to account. More
Westchester Case
At court conference on Westchester case, U.S. attorney tries to excuse its failure to hold Westchester to account by suggesting that a defendant can shield itself from having to perform court-ordered tasks by denying the existence of facts staring the defendant in the face. More
